Annie Jr: For Annie I am in charge of the Stage Left crew. Our side of the stage did pretty well I would say. (Except for forgetting to bring the escape stairs out of the shop. Oops. Don't worry, we got them on in time.) But other than that no major glitches on our part. The show tech-wise as a whole from HELL!!! Everything that could possible go wrong did go wrong.
-The music for "Tomorrow" stopping in the middle of the song.
-Painfully long set changes.
-Fly rails getting stuck.
-Missing light cues.
-Crazy children not knowing when to go on and expecting the tech crew to know.
-Crazy diva children.
-Crazy children oblivious to large set pieces coming their way and people trying to get them to move out of the way until they have to be physically picked up off the ground and moved.
-Children all together, can we just run the show without them? Lol! Jk!
Millie: I am stage managing Millie (meaning for the run of the show I'm calling all of the cues.) Millie went VERY well. No major mess ups. Yup. Much happier with Millie. Lovely. And in this show there are only 40 teenagers, much better than 70 children under the age of 12.
Today I was counting up my hours for the week so far....44 hours. In 3 days. That's more than a full weeks worth of work for a full time job. I wish I was getting paid hourly.
I think it's about time for bed now. Tomorrow, Birdie rehearsals, and get this, they don't start until 9:30! I'm so excited!!! Legit! :)
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