-Treat others how you want to be treated.
-EVERYONE'S opinion is important, even if you disagree.
-Be true to yourself.
-Just because your problems seem bigger or more obvious doesn't mean that other people's problems are less important or difficult.
-Listen to people.
-Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
-All that fighting fire with fire has ever done was destroy things. Try a different approach.
-Treat everyone like they're important.
-Genuinely love and care about people.
-Take a little bit of time each day just to yourself. You'll have time to think and get to know and love yourself more.
-Get rid of irrational fears, they'll only hold you back.
-Believe that you will live up to your full potential. Every dream is possible if you believe it and pursue it.
-Make choices that you are proud of.
-Learn to love yourself and others expecting nothing in return. If you don't expect things from others, you'll be pleasantly surprised as to how much more willing they'll be to return the love.
I love this and you tasha :) :)